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Housing Needs Assessment and Housing Plan


From 2017 to 2018, Atria Planning developed a housing needs assessment and housing plan for the City of Maricopa in Arizona. This project entailed extensive data collection and analysis followed by a robust community engagement process. Atria employed a variety of tools for capturing community feedback, including an online survey, an in-person survey, two focus group meetings, and a community design charrette. Atria also facilitated six strategic planning sessions with the Housing Committee to development the Vision, Strategies and Goals of the Housing Plan. As part of the community engagement process, Atria built awareness within the community around housing needs, including housing affordable to the city’s young adults, seniors, veterans, and local workforce.  Through this effort, the city worked with the AZ Housing Finance Agency to secure tax credits for its first affordable housing development. The final plan won the American Planning Association best Comprehensive Plan in 2018.

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